Somewhere along the line, some person getting paid way too much to sit around and thing came up with an idea for business: the mission statement.
Whether you work for a fast-food outlet or a Fortune 500 company, you probably have mission statements. They are a silly necessity that is perceived to be essential for the survival of a business.
We went through mission statements at my place of employment back in the early 90’s, about the time I read my first Dilbert comic strip. It was about creating mission statements.
Since then, Scott Adams and his various Dilbert characters have kept me laughing at business silliness, and they have also helped me keep a sense of perspective about every “revolutionary” business idea that employers invariably think is going to be the ideal solution to take their business to the next level.
Today’s FamilyFirst pick is Dilbert’s Mission Statement Generator.
You select your nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, and click the button. The result will be something like this:
Our mission is to continually leverage existing seven-habits-conforming catalysts for change as well as to competently leverage other’s error-free materials.
Here’s another one:
We globally leverage other’s professional meta-services as well as to conveniently integrate competitive solutions in order to solve business problems.
It’s a blast! So if your boss tells you to draft a personal mission statement, just let Dilbert do it for you!